I. Introduction
II. Origins of U.S. involvement in Vietnam
- Vietnamese independence and the First Indochina War
- The Geneva Agreements of 1954
- The creation of South Vietnam
- Repression and revolution in South Vietnam
- The expansion of U.S. involvement under Kennedy
- Lyndon Johnson and the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
- Johnson takes the nation to war
III. The American War in Vietnam – conduct and costs
- “Pacification”
- The Phoenix program
- Search and destroy: The ground war
- Technological rampage: The air war
- An inhuman fate: The U.S. chemical war
- Peace negotiations
- Costs of war
- Associated wars in Laos and Cambodia (linked page)
IV. The American home front
- Consciousness raising
- Creating the antiwar movement
- The antiwar movement in the Nixon years
- Protest music of the Vietnam War (linked page)
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