- Notes from August 5, 2024 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Meeting Attendees: Aneesa Ahad, Gene Marx, Thomas Masi (scribe)
Vote to remove Alice 'Turtle" Robb from the Ch 111 bank account and add Thomas and Aneesa, passes 3-0
-Alice Robb is no longer active and prefers to be removed from the account
-She was made aware of this vote and has approved of her own removal
-Thomas and Aneesa will be added to bank account to allow ease of financial transactions
Vote to Approve amended VFP-111 Bylaws: Unanimous
Golden Rule will no longer be stopping in Bellingham!
-They will be going straight to Peace Arch Park, Blaine, WA where a picnic will be held Aug 23, 4-8pm
-This is a BYOE (bring your own everything) event: food, drinks, lawn games, blankets, chairs etc
-If we receive a response from those on board the Golden Rule, we will bring them a home cooked meal or take out (whichever they prefer), waiting on them to respond to Aneesa via text, at which point one of us will volunteer to cook/pickup some food for them on the way up to Blaine
Contentious Objector Project
-Discussed possibility of enabling a paid for subscription-based Substack (Substack is a form of new media which is basically an online newsletter. Prominent journalist, thought leaders etc write articles and they are sent directly to your email inbox. The monthly subscription fees for are usually around $5/month)
-Bellingham Co-Op: Thomas was previously denied by the Co-Op when asked about fundraising but will keep trying.
-Is also going to try to get information on how to become on of the non-profits on the board where we would get a cut of all sales on a certain day.
-Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship - Pass the plate
-Aneesa is taking lead on finding more about getting us involved but she will be unable to be the face on camera. So one of us would have to be on the Zoom meeting answering questions.
New VFP e-mail/electronic payment systems
-Thomas is going to set up a new e-mail account for Ch111 (mostly to save us the $ from having to pay for one from the website), he will send the new e mail and out to everyone, so they have access. Will be a good, centralized location for people to send articles, fundraising options, ideas for tabling's etc etc (or anything they want to be made known to all Ch111 members).
-Also going to make a Venmo and Zelle, linked to that account, so that when we fundraise, we are able to accept the most forms of payments. We don't want to lose funds because we didn't have their preferred payment platform.
- Notes from July 1, 2024 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Chapter 111 met at the Whatcom Peace and Justice Center
Attending: Aneesa Ahad (took notes), Michael Colfer, Yvonne York, and Thomas Masi
This meeting marked one year from the resumption of in-person meetings for Veterans for Peace Chapter 111. The following items were discussed with the indicated conclusions or paths forward planned:
Board Membership - As past emails have discussed, VFP-111 is in need of an updated and active board. Those in attendance voted and accepted the following positions:
President - Aneesa Ahad
Vice President - Michael Colfer
Secretary - Thomas Masi
Treasurer - Yvonne York
Board terms will be for two years with elections in October prior to the end of each term with the exception that this board will serve for the remainder of this year and for the next term. (Next elections will be October 2026.)
Special Board Consideration - A fifth, non-elected position has been approved by the board. The position of Board President Emeritus has been granted to Gene Marx in recognition of his enduring contribution to the sustainment of VFP-111 and in acknowledgement that he is currently the only one that knows everything there is to know about management of the chapter. This position is without expiration and is specific to Gene Marx.
Chapter Bylaws - The newly elected board agreed that the chapter bylaws were in need of revision to reflect the changes in communication, participation, and scheduling. Aneesa will modify the bylaws and share with VFP-111 for comment and suggestions before the next meeting. At the next meeting, the board and members/associate members who are present will vote to approve or reject the changes, or approve with specific edits. The revised bylaws will not change the nature of the chapter or alter our focus.
Conscientious Objector Project - The selection committee for the national convention declined to have this project as one of the presentations. As a result, the first workshop will be held after the International Day of Peace celebration. The details of this project will be discussed in the August meeting with final schedule and logistic decisions being made during the September meeting.
The Golden Rule - The Golden Rule will be docking in Bellingham at the end of August (Possibly August 22 and 23). At the moment, a respite stop is being discussed and the stop in Bellingham will have need of volunteers to support the land needs of the crew. This will be on the agenda for the August meeting. The Golden Rule will stop in Blaine for a community event on August 24th. This will be a casual picnic and games event. Flyers and invitations will be approved at the meeting in August.
Fundraising - Options for fundraising were discussed. Also options for membership drives and community awareness. One idea includes having flyers with donation qr codes to make it easy for people to donate and accompanying collection cups. Funds will be used for traditional uses including membership fee assistance, stipends for guest speakers, space rentals when needed, etc.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 5 at 6:30 PM (1220 Bay St Bellingham, WA). No remote access is offered for this meeting. (In need of a person able to monitor and manage the zoom technology and my volunteer will be absent for this meeting.)
- Notes from May 17, 2019 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Chapter 111 met at the Bellingham Food Co-Op Connections Building, Room 103
Attending: Ellen Murphy (took notes), Jack Miller, Stan Parker, Roger Weiss and Gene Marx. (Turtle was home nursing a tiny bunny which sadly, didn't make it.)
We put our good thoughts toward Len, toward his health and in thanks for all he contributes to 111.
Discussed update on the Venezuelan embassy, and the injuries sustained by our national president, Gerry Condon,
as he tossed vegetables to feed the awesome occupiers of the embassy, and was mauled by Secret Service police.
Gerry says he is OK and has a good lawyer for his court case. Oh, why was he arrested, you say? Uh...for "throwing missiles."
Discussed appearance of build-up to a war on Iran, with differing opinions as to whether one is planned by U.S., and
whether to expect a false flag operation.
Once again, noted that we need someone to write and send occasional or monthly 111 news to national newsletter.
Discussed the convention coming up just over the hill in Spokane.
Discussed the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR)conference this summer at Seabeck, in which the whole thing will be nonviolent direct action training. This submitter is familiar with the trainers and they're great. I guess, since I don't have address right now, just google Seattle FOR 2019 conference and nonviolence training, and you'll find it (?).
We had discussed, a bit, at the previous meeting Gene's interview with Courage to Resist Jeff Paterson, and we decided we'd like to listen to it together at the next meeting, 3rd Fri. of June, 6 PM, Co-Op Bakery Small Conference Room. So we will.
After the meeting several of us walked down to the pub where Chanan Suarez was having his kick-off for his run for City Council. It was, if I may add a personal note, a very sweet reunion for Chanan and me, back from the days when a lot of us actively supported Iraq Vets Against the War here, and mostly in Seattle.
- Notes from January 18, 2019 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Chapter met at the Bellingham Food Co-Op Connections Building in the small bakery conference room
Attending: Alice Robb (took notes), Richard Brummett, Joseph Garcia, Keith Fredrikson, Ellen Murphy, Stan Parker, and Gene Marx.
UPCOMING EVENT: Film showing - Making Waves: Rebirth of the Golden Rule
Film Making Waves, will be screened Wednesday, February 20, 8 pm at Alternative Library on Maple St, with time for discussion after film. This event is sponsored by VFP-111 and WPJC. Keith’s Fredrikson’s sister is involved with showing of film in many cities. Alice will buy and bring snacks using the Food Coop cards given to V4P by Food Coop the two times that they have asked us to move to smaller meeting room. Gene will bring V4P donation box.
Other Items of discussion:
Richard shared sad news that the Dragoon project in Vietnam is going under, has collapsed due to misdirected funds and corruption within Vietnamese contacts.
Gene encourages everyone to sign up and help with the AMS program at WPJC. He and others have been doing it lately and have been well received by students, more than in the past.
Joseph brought tshirts with new artwork of soldiers releasing doves. Several people bought shirts, proceeds to V4P, which Gene will deposit. Note that we need to put in a few more donations to keep account up to the $1000 balance which has in the past been always been our practice in order to be ready for things that might come up.
- Notes from December 21, 2018 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Attending: Alice Robb (took notes), Ellen Murphy, Stan Parker, Keith Fredrikson, and guest Edward Alexander from Whatcom Peace & Justice Center
Stan told us that Joseph Garcia has made TShirts with new artwork of soldiers releasing doves and will pass the unsold ones to Stan to have at table at MLK day events.
Gene Marx had sent email prior to meeting asking for approval for sending donation to support the Human Rights Film Festival in February. We approved this donation, and assume Gene send check. (can’t remember amount!)
Keith explained that his sister is working on a film having to do with the Golden Rule tall ship. The ship is not coming this far north this year, but the documentary can be available to us. It is too late to get it into film festival but we seem to have energy for showing it somewhere, or at one of our meetings. Be sure not to schedule that in Feb so as not to conflict with film festival. Keith will let us know more at upcoming meetings.
Also re films, Stan has one about valve turned at tar sands, The Reluctant (title?)
Edward Alexander, from WPJC, came to ask VFP to be support/endorser of a project being proposed for a Project Neighborly grant from Whatcom Community Foundation, potentially involving veterans, students, and housing (tiny house) for homeless. The grant application process is still underway but as members of our VFP board, both Stan and Alice agreed (along with others present) that we are in support of this idea as it develops. The grant would be up to $5000 which matches cost to build tiny house. Edward has been in touch with Jim Peterson who has tiny house project and also is planning to contact Growing Vets as well as other vet advocates mentioned by Gene in his email to us on this prior to meeting.
- Minutes from October 19, 2018 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Attending: Gene Marx, Richard B., Jack Miller, Joseph Garcia, Stan Parker, and Turtle(Alice Robb). Len H. had informed us that he would not be there because of illness & treatments.
Facilitator: Gene M.
Notes: Alice R.
The October meeting had to convene in a smaller room, and Food CoOp folks gave us a gift card for $25, as thanks for being inconvenienced by change. Turtle will bring card to meeting to use for snacks at the November 16th meeting (or whatever people decide).
Main things we talked about, two upcoming events.
Armistice day bell ringing on Nov 11, across from Assumption Church.
Talk by Joav Litvin at Methodist Garden church, Wed, November 7.
Gene M. later sent press releases with more detailed info, copied below. Update is that both events have happened and were well attended.
Richard B. spoke about not going to Vietnam this year, but people (and the chapter) can still make donations to help the ongoing school & bikes projects.
Joseph G. brought artwork for T Shirt, which we liked and he will bring printed shirts for folks to meeting next month. (Update: Joseph unable to attend November meeting)
- Meeting Cancelled Due to International Day of Peace Schedule Conflict
- Minutes from August 17, 2018 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Attending: Gene Marx, Alice Turtle Robb, Jack M, Joseph G, Stan P, and Ellen M.
Facilitator: Gene M.
Notes: Alice R.
Most important announcement is that we will not meet as usual on third Friday in September but instead encourage our members to attend the International Day of Peace Celebration organized by the Whatcom Peace and Justice Center on Friday, September 21, at the Majestic.
At this time we do not have any one assigned or volunteering to take on the management of list and sending out announcements and minutes. Hopefully Gene has list or can put this on website?
Financial. Current balance abut $1047. We have usually tried to have a minimum balance of $1000 in account. Main expenses are co-sponsoring other events. Gene will take care of annual registration - due this month - for non-profit status WA state (this year).
Agenda Items:
1. Jack brought up subject of resisting privatization of VA, and had bumper stickers for people, Save our VA.
2. Joseph had ideas about getting a TShirt made, with help from artist Anita Boyle, with an image of soldiers releasing doves (rather than raising flag as in well known sculpture art.) Those present encouraged him to pursue this project. He talked about possibly doing fundraisers for the group with this type of art project.
3. Gene proposed the chapter organize a speaking event featuring member and IDF veteran Yoav Litvin, to be co-sponsored by WPJC. Gene will take the lead.
4. Several items in regard to loss of our friend Bill Distler last year. Gene reports that Bill’s widow Lisa has been successful in getting some income from VA, including making up for past payments, which is good news. Also Alice shared that a group of folks from V4P and also some vigil peace people planted a tree in Bill’s honor on her property around Memorial Day this year. The tree is a white pine, donated by Jim Cool, and it is doing well despite our dry summer. We talked some more about trying to set up some kind of public/city art memorial for Bill, which is an idea that came up a few months ago. It was tabled at this time.
- Minutes from December 15, 2017 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Attending: Aneesa & Nusy Ahad, Mike (new veteran member), Len Helfgott, Richard Brummet, Michael Jacobsen, Tara Reynolds, Gene Marx, Ellen Murphy, Jim Cool and Alice Turtle Robb.
Facilitating: Ellen Murphy
Taking Minutes: Alice Robb
1805 - Approval of previous minutes: At October meeting, those present watched Dick Cavett film with discussion of Vietnam War. There was a good turnout, no minutes taken. November meeting: 4 people came and had good visit, no minutes taken.
1808 - Announcements:
· Gene recommends article in American Conservative about anti-war movement in The American Conservative - Whither the Anti-War Movement.
· Richard told us he is not going to be going to Vietnam again, but he is still supporting the same project there, raising $ for kids for bikes ad school, for more info see: www.childrenofvietnam.org/dragoon. Contact him [email protected].
· Gene tells us that James Gillies has made a beer named “Billy D” through Menace Brewery, also available at Boundary Bay as fundraiser at his Trivia event at BB. These events have raised $100 (twice, $50 each time).
· MLK celebration organized by CityofBellingham will be held at Mt Baker Theater, Monday, Jan 15. MLK conference will be at WCC campus Jan 13. Some discussion of these events at end of meeting.
· Vet Breakfast continues at Nelson’s Corner store (Marlin’s Restaurant) on Friday mornings. Alice encourages people to help pay up Joseph Moore’s tab there.
1820 - Other items brought up, discussed:
Financial report: Current balance $1026.65. Gene, Michael, and Alice are signers on account. Discussed donations and Gene said he would send out email if balance gets low to let people know to contribute. National dues are $40 per person, and an assisted rate of $25 is also possible. WA State non-profit fee has been paid, and will be due again in August.
Gene reported on trip to London for international VFP work, told us he received a VFP-UK peace award there; he worked on by-law changes for international memberships.
Gene also informed us that Whatcom Veterans announced that it is now possible for veterans to shop at base exchanges online by signing up and using Veterans Online Shopping Benefit.
Len informed us that Mel Goodman has new book on CIA and will be coming to WWU 2nd week in May, for world issues forum (2nd Wednesday) and he will speak to our group one evening while he is here, Len will host. We will look at proposal for funding support at a later meeting.
MyLai exhibit will be in NW in March and April - www.mylaimemorial.org. Gene will get in touch to say we would be interested in sponsoring it in bham and to get more information.
Gene will be in touch with Nick Mele and Pax Christi regarding ICAN Peace Prize, through WA Physicians for Responsibility.
1920 - Meeting Adjourned
No Minutes for November, 2017 (No Quorum: Illnesses)
No Minutes for October, 2017 (Film Screening - Dick Cavett's Vietnam - in place of Business Meeting)
Minutes from September 15, 2017 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Attending: Jim Cool, Gene Marx, Stan Parker, Michael C, Aneesa (and Nucy), Jack, Ellen Murphy, Lenny, Martina, Sherry, John, Alice Robb.
Facilitator - Martina B, Recorder - Alice R
1805 - Minutes approved from August.
1807 - Finance report, we have $1025 in bank, plus $66 collected today.
1810 - Guests, Katie and Raina from the Nooksak Salmon Enhancement Association. They spoke about the work the organization does and provided a calendar of public work parties being planned for many areas in the county. If we have a group of at least ten people, they can set up a private work party time/location for us. Gene will link to their information on the VFP website.
1820 - Stan announced that there is a clean up at Baker Lake the last weekend in Sept. Organizers provide canoes and there is camping space. Coordinator is Lee First.
1821 - Lenny announced that Mel Goodman will be in Bellingham, speaking at Fairhaven College, in May, and that he is eager for opportunity to meet with VFP also when he is here. He has a new book about whistle blowers in the CIA.
1825 - Michael had interesting news that there is now a VFP chapter in Japan, and he was wearing a T-shift in their language. There were a lot of these t-shirts at the conference in Chicago.
1830 - Discussion about privatizing the VA, and the Choice Program. Jack says that Buzz Davis sent out info on the Choose Program, Senate Bill 114, and suggests writing senators to tell them it is bad idea. Aneesa recounted examples of her problems with the Choice Program. Stan also in Choice Program, “not by choice” and has never seen same doctor twice. Gene, Jack, and Michael all spoke well of the vet clinic in Mt Vernon. Someone had bad experience with VA in Phoenix, don’t go there. Ellen mentioned a group that does alternative medical treatments for vets, free. Contact Katie at [email protected].
1840 - Events/actions re PBS documentary on Vietnam (Ken Burns) coming out this weekend, airs Sunday, Sept 17. Jim Cool offered his home as a place to meet and watch it and a few people may go there.
1850 - There is a website: vietnamfulldisclosure.org which contains info and talking points regarding the PBS documentary, including review by David Thompson “Merely an empire.” Also Gene has found a 55 min documentary that is compilation of Dick Cavett interviewing people during late 60s and 70s about the Vietnam War. We decided to view this and discuss it during our next meeting, Oct. 20.
1857 - International Day of Peace - VFP will have table there, with copies of Full Disclosure papers. Sharing table with Alternatives to Military Service from WPJC.
1910 - VFP donating again to Richard’s bicycles for kids program in Vietnam, Dragoon. Jack will arrange donation from chapter to be reimbursed.
1920 - Meeting Adjourned
Attending: Jim Cool, Gene Marx, Stan Parker, Michael C, Aneesa (and Nucy), Jack, Ellen Murphy, Lenny, Martina, Sherry, John, Alice Robb.
Facilitator - Martina B, Recorder - Alice R
1805 - Minutes approved from August.
1807 - Finance report, we have $1025 in bank, plus $66 collected today.
1810 - Guests, Katie and Raina from the Nooksak Salmon Enhancement Association. They spoke about the work the organization does and provided a calendar of public work parties being planned for many areas in the county. If we have a group of at least ten people, they can set up a private work party time/location for us. Gene will link to their information on the VFP website.
1820 - Stan announced that there is a clean up at Baker Lake the last weekend in Sept. Organizers provide canoes and there is camping space. Coordinator is Lee First.
1821 - Lenny announced that Mel Goodman will be in Bellingham, speaking at Fairhaven College, in May, and that he is eager for opportunity to meet with VFP also when he is here. He has a new book about whistle blowers in the CIA.
1825 - Michael had interesting news that there is now a VFP chapter in Japan, and he was wearing a T-shift in their language. There were a lot of these t-shirts at the conference in Chicago.
1830 - Discussion about privatizing the VA, and the Choice Program. Jack says that Buzz Davis sent out info on the Choose Program, Senate Bill 114, and suggests writing senators to tell them it is bad idea. Aneesa recounted examples of her problems with the Choice Program. Stan also in Choice Program, “not by choice” and has never seen same doctor twice. Gene, Jack, and Michael all spoke well of the vet clinic in Mt Vernon. Someone had bad experience with VA in Phoenix, don’t go there. Ellen mentioned a group that does alternative medical treatments for vets, free. Contact Katie at [email protected].
1840 - Events/actions re PBS documentary on Vietnam (Ken Burns) coming out this weekend, airs Sunday, Sept 17. Jim Cool offered his home as a place to meet and watch it and a few people may go there.
1850 - There is a website: vietnamfulldisclosure.org which contains info and talking points regarding the PBS documentary, including review by David Thompson “Merely an empire.” Also Gene has found a 55 min documentary that is compilation of Dick Cavett interviewing people during late 60s and 70s about the Vietnam War. We decided to view this and discuss it during our next meeting, Oct. 20.
1857 - International Day of Peace - VFP will have table there, with copies of Full Disclosure papers. Sharing table with Alternatives to Military Service from WPJC.
1910 - VFP donating again to Richard’s bicycles for kids program in Vietnam, Dragoon. Jack will arrange donation from chapter to be reimbursed.
1920 - Meeting Adjourned
Minutes from August 18, 2017 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Present: Aneesa Ahad, Unknown vet, Keith Fredrikson, Len Helfgott, Michael Jacobsen, Lynne Lohr, Gene Marx, Ellen Murphy, Stan Parker and Alice Turtle Robb.
1810 – Name introductions around the table.
1810 - For this meeting: Aneesa A – Facilitator, Gene M - Recorder
1811 – Approval of July minutes. Moved and seconded. No objections
1815 – Meeting called to order, agenda reviewed.
1815 - Announcements: George Picket Bridge sign removal.
1817 – Reviewed financials: Checking balance - $1002.00; Alice Robb became 3rd signatory on checking account on July 27.
Agenda Items:
1820 – Board Director Election: Discussion of the VFP-111 Board of Director nominations; first slate of nominees include Keith Fredrikson, Michael Jacobsen, Gene Marx, Jack Miller, and Turtle Robb. A request for additional nominees was emailed to the chapter membership on August 4, but no nominees resulted. Since the chapter had several opportunities to participate in the nomination process, the meeting felt an election could take place.
Additional Board nominees: Aneesa Ahad, Stan Parker and Len Helfgott also came forward as nominees at the meeting; and, a seven-member Board was approved with no objections. Additional nominations for Board President (Gene Marx), Secretary (Alice Robb), and Treasurer (Michael Jacobsen) were unanimously approved.
1835 - Non-Profit Renewal: The annual State of Washington Non-Profit renewal will be updated using the new officers, as required.
Interim Chapter Contact Gene M was volunteered to continue sending out meeting agendas.
1840 – AMS Training: Aneesa and Gene will be participating in the WPJC AMS training on Sunday, August 20.
1845 – Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign: VFP’s Full Disclosure Campaign in conjunction with the misrepresentations of the Burns/Novick PBS documentary The Vietnam War was discussed at length, including possible countering events, venues to screen and discuss, etc. A pre-order of the film, along with an order of 3 bundles of the VFP newspaper Full Disclosure were unanimously approved.
1905 – International Day of Peace Tabling: A call for volunteers at the September 21 event. Will firm up list of participants at the next meeting.
1910 – Mel Goodman: Len H announced CIA whistleblower Mel Goodman will be in town in May; co-sponsorship by VFP-111 approved without objection.
1911 – Northwest Citizen Tribute to Bill Distler was distributed to members; including discussion of VFP-111 history project (Ellen M)
1915 – Len H proposed VFP-111 support any municipal legislation in favor of removing Pickett Bridge signs and plaques; approved, pending city’s next move.
1925 – Meeting adjourned.
Recorded by Gene Marx.
Present: Aneesa Ahad, Unknown vet, Keith Fredrikson, Len Helfgott, Michael Jacobsen, Lynne Lohr, Gene Marx, Ellen Murphy, Stan Parker and Alice Turtle Robb.
1810 – Name introductions around the table.
1810 - For this meeting: Aneesa A – Facilitator, Gene M - Recorder
1811 – Approval of July minutes. Moved and seconded. No objections
1815 – Meeting called to order, agenda reviewed.
1815 - Announcements: George Picket Bridge sign removal.
1817 – Reviewed financials: Checking balance - $1002.00; Alice Robb became 3rd signatory on checking account on July 27.
Agenda Items:
1820 – Board Director Election: Discussion of the VFP-111 Board of Director nominations; first slate of nominees include Keith Fredrikson, Michael Jacobsen, Gene Marx, Jack Miller, and Turtle Robb. A request for additional nominees was emailed to the chapter membership on August 4, but no nominees resulted. Since the chapter had several opportunities to participate in the nomination process, the meeting felt an election could take place.
Additional Board nominees: Aneesa Ahad, Stan Parker and Len Helfgott also came forward as nominees at the meeting; and, a seven-member Board was approved with no objections. Additional nominations for Board President (Gene Marx), Secretary (Alice Robb), and Treasurer (Michael Jacobsen) were unanimously approved.
1835 - Non-Profit Renewal: The annual State of Washington Non-Profit renewal will be updated using the new officers, as required.
Interim Chapter Contact Gene M was volunteered to continue sending out meeting agendas.
1840 – AMS Training: Aneesa and Gene will be participating in the WPJC AMS training on Sunday, August 20.
1845 – Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign: VFP’s Full Disclosure Campaign in conjunction with the misrepresentations of the Burns/Novick PBS documentary The Vietnam War was discussed at length, including possible countering events, venues to screen and discuss, etc. A pre-order of the film, along with an order of 3 bundles of the VFP newspaper Full Disclosure were unanimously approved.
1905 – International Day of Peace Tabling: A call for volunteers at the September 21 event. Will firm up list of participants at the next meeting.
1910 – Mel Goodman: Len H announced CIA whistleblower Mel Goodman will be in town in May; co-sponsorship by VFP-111 approved without objection.
1911 – Northwest Citizen Tribute to Bill Distler was distributed to members; including discussion of VFP-111 history project (Ellen M)
1915 – Len H proposed VFP-111 support any municipal legislation in favor of removing Pickett Bridge signs and plaques; approved, pending city’s next move.
1925 – Meeting adjourned.
Recorded by Gene Marx.
Minutes from July 21, 2017 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Present: Martina Boyd, Keith Fredrikson, Michael Jacobsen, Gene Marx, Jack Miller, Ellen Murphy, Lynn Rosenblum and Alice Turtle Robb.
1810 – Name introductions around the table.
1810 - For this meeting: Recorder - Turtle R, Facilitator – Gene M.
1811 – Approval of June minutes, after correction submitted (re June Quaker donation). Moved and seconded. No objections.
1815 – Meeting called to order, agenda reviewed.
1815 - Announcements:
FCNL Seabeck report (Keith F); Nick Spring update (Ellen M); Militarization issues discussion, time permitting (Ellen M); Peace Walk (Keith F - October or April?); Ann Feeney concert on July 22; three bundles of PIOT ordered by Bill D and Gene M; Fred Meyer discounts (Jack M).
1817 – Reviewed financials: $1118.40 in account (July expenditure - $200 Chapter donation to the Distler family); $200 donation for IDP approved with no objections (Martina B to deliver to WPJC).
Agenda Items:
Discussion of the VFP-111 bylaws and Board of Directors nominations; first slate of nominees include Keith Fredrikson, Michael Jacobsen, Gene Marx, Jack Miller, and Turtle Robb. Motion to send a request for additional nominees by email to chapter membership, seconded and approved.
Interim Chapter Contact Gene M was volunteered to continue sending out meeting agendas.
Alice Robb volunteered to be 3rd signatory on checking account.
Washington State Non-Profit renewal due August 31; Alice Turtle Robb will submit.
This year's Chapter 111 film series was discussed at length. Michael Jacobsen has connected with the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship with a likely startup in October. Other possible followup venues for our feature films include the Firehouse, and the Pickford Film Center. This project will likely be coordinated by one of our first ad-hoc committees and run through fall and winter.
1910 - Meeting adjourned.
Recorded by Turtle Robb and Gene Marx
Present: Martina Boyd, Keith Fredrikson, Michael Jacobsen, Gene Marx, Jack Miller, Ellen Murphy, Lynn Rosenblum and Alice Turtle Robb.
1810 – Name introductions around the table.
1810 - For this meeting: Recorder - Turtle R, Facilitator – Gene M.
1811 – Approval of June minutes, after correction submitted (re June Quaker donation). Moved and seconded. No objections.
1815 – Meeting called to order, agenda reviewed.
1815 - Announcements:
FCNL Seabeck report (Keith F); Nick Spring update (Ellen M); Militarization issues discussion, time permitting (Ellen M); Peace Walk (Keith F - October or April?); Ann Feeney concert on July 22; three bundles of PIOT ordered by Bill D and Gene M; Fred Meyer discounts (Jack M).
1817 – Reviewed financials: $1118.40 in account (July expenditure - $200 Chapter donation to the Distler family); $200 donation for IDP approved with no objections (Martina B to deliver to WPJC).
Agenda Items:
Discussion of the VFP-111 bylaws and Board of Directors nominations; first slate of nominees include Keith Fredrikson, Michael Jacobsen, Gene Marx, Jack Miller, and Turtle Robb. Motion to send a request for additional nominees by email to chapter membership, seconded and approved.
Interim Chapter Contact Gene M was volunteered to continue sending out meeting agendas.
Alice Robb volunteered to be 3rd signatory on checking account.
Washington State Non-Profit renewal due August 31; Alice Turtle Robb will submit.
This year's Chapter 111 film series was discussed at length. Michael Jacobsen has connected with the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship with a likely startup in October. Other possible followup venues for our feature films include the Firehouse, and the Pickford Film Center. This project will likely be coordinated by one of our first ad-hoc committees and run through fall and winter.
1910 - Meeting adjourned.
Recorded by Turtle Robb and Gene Marx
Minutes from June 16, 2017 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Present: Connor Hegarty, Stan Parker, Gene Marx, Richard Brummet, Lynn Lohr, Aneesa Ahad and Nusy, Tom Kauppila, and Alice Turtle Robb.
1810 – Name introductions around the table; two new roster members announced (Yoav Litvin and Lynn Rosenblum). Tom Kauppila in attendance as new applicant.
1810 – Approval of May minutes, moved and seconded. No objections
For this meeting: Facilitator – Aneesa A, Recorder – Gene M
1815 – Meeting called to order, agenda reviewed.
Items added: Pride March and Vietnam Tour (in conjunction with Richard B’s Chocolate Festival)
Motion to approve agenda by Gene M, second by Aneesa A, approved.
1817 – Reviewed financials: $1313.40 in account; additional $70 deposit from Quaker Meeting (6/11) donation (pending). A $200 Chapter donation to the Distler family was proposed by Gene M and unanimously approved.
1820 Announcements
Mini-Retreat at Alice R’s on Sunday, July 16 proposed by Alice R approved, with no objections.
Whatcom 9/11 for Truth group to meet on June 29, 6:00 pm, at the Alternative (Karate) Library
Numerous solidarity/activist events to occur this summer. Stan P proposes that VFP-111 post for membership participation. Gene M moves to create a website page to track events; approved without objection.
Agenda Items:
1910 Meeting adjourned.
1910-40 Reflections on Bill Distler and direction of Chapter 111.
Recorded by Gene Marx
Present: Connor Hegarty, Stan Parker, Gene Marx, Richard Brummet, Lynn Lohr, Aneesa Ahad and Nusy, Tom Kauppila, and Alice Turtle Robb.
1810 – Name introductions around the table; two new roster members announced (Yoav Litvin and Lynn Rosenblum). Tom Kauppila in attendance as new applicant.
1810 – Approval of May minutes, moved and seconded. No objections
For this meeting: Facilitator – Aneesa A, Recorder – Gene M
1815 – Meeting called to order, agenda reviewed.
Items added: Pride March and Vietnam Tour (in conjunction with Richard B’s Chocolate Festival)
Motion to approve agenda by Gene M, second by Aneesa A, approved.
1817 – Reviewed financials: $1313.40 in account; additional $70 deposit from Quaker Meeting (6/11) donation (pending). A $200 Chapter donation to the Distler family was proposed by Gene M and unanimously approved.
1820 Announcements
Mini-Retreat at Alice R’s on Sunday, July 16 proposed by Alice R approved, with no objections.
Whatcom 9/11 for Truth group to meet on June 29, 6:00 pm, at the Alternative (Karate) Library
Numerous solidarity/activist events to occur this summer. Stan P proposes that VFP-111 post for membership participation. Gene M moves to create a website page to track events; approved without objection.
Agenda Items:
- Discussion and approval of the draft VFP-111 bylaws; bylaws approved with no objections (6 pro, with 2 abstentions) and adopted. The Board of Directors and possible amendments to be determined at a later date;
- Aneesa Ahad nominated and approved, without objection, to serve as new Chapter Contact (subject, at her request, to a period of adjustment with interim Contact Gene M);
- Alice Robb volunteered to be 3rd signatory on checking account.
Members approve having Alice Robb as a new and 3rd signatory on the VFP Chapter 111 bank account. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved during June 16, 2017 meeting. - 2017 VFP Chicago Convention discussed;
- July 2017 Bellingham Pride March discussed; individual participation encouraged.
- Aneesa A proposed a Chapter tour of Vietnam in support of Richard B’s Chocolate Festival next year; Richard indicated that 2019 would be the earliest that that could occur. Proposal tabled for future discussion.
1910 Meeting adjourned.
1910-40 Reflections on Bill Distler and direction of Chapter 111.
Recorded by Gene Marx
Minutes from May 19, 2017 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Veterans for Peace Chapter 111
Monthly meeting on Friday May 19, 2017 at Food Coop meeting room
Present: Michael Jacobsen, Kerry Johnson, Bill Distler, Stan Parker, Jim Kool, Gene Marx, Richard Brummet, Keith Fredrickson, Larry??, Neah Monteiro, Lynn Lohr, Ellen Murphy, Aneesa Ahad and Nusy, Alice Turtle Robb.
Guest: Michael McPhearson, Exec Director for National VFP office in St Louis
Agenda approved with additions. Aneesa facilitated and Alice took notes.
Announcements: Fellow of Reconcilation has annual Seabeck conference July 1-4. Keith is going.
Thurs May 25, 1:30 pm, on 4th floor County Courthouse – Next hearing for the protesters charged for protesting against Trump when he came to Whatcom County last year.
National VFP items, presented by Michael McPhearson
1) Potential for NW region vets to work with a project which would result from a woman in Long Beach WA wanting to give a property: Moby Dick Bed and Breakfast, to VFP for use for retreats or conferencing or vet agriculture perhaps. Michael is assembling team of VFP people from Pacific Northwest to explore the feasibility of accepting this gift. Invites members from our chapter to participate in that group.
2) The Golden Rule (boat) will be working on a Disarmament Campaign.
3) Also there is work underway for a Global Veterans’ Conference, which would be held at the UN, with focus on global climate change and disarming nuclear weapons
4) The national organization is involved in a membership campaign to recruit members. Also focusing on going out to meet people where they are and start conversations that will bring tensions to the surface for discussion (example Black Lives Matter). Scripts for this kind of outreach are being put together.
Aneesa asked about anti-war/peace education for children. Ellen remembered that in the past we sponsored an essay contest for high school kids with scholarship prizes (this was coordinated by late member Dr Bob Olsen). Can we communicate with other VFP chapters to see if others are working on this? Aneesa will write up this idea and send it on to the National VFP to see if others are interested.
Richard reported on this year’s visit to Danang and the Chocolate Festival. Local chocolate company Chocolate Necissities made an extra large candy bar (25lbs?) and Richard had to buy an ax to chop it. Over fifty children have been given scholarships from this program and five are supported by our chapter. There is a magazine for VVA with article about the project. Richard talked about visiting one of the first kids in the program who is now grown up and a teacher. Program started in 2010 in conjunction with organization Children of Vietnam
Financials are about $1200. Talked about and approved decision to send $100 to National VFP to support the action in WA DC at end of May. It is a series of event in Capitol to End the Endless Wars. Full info is now posted on our website as well as national VFP website. Gene is going. Bill had donations that were after costs for Mother’s Day March, which everyone felt was a success already, so money was a bonus. Bill thanked Neah for doing so much work to make it go well.
Draft by-laws presented. Thanks to Gene for patching them together from National VFP and other chapters. People can read and revise before next meeting. If there are no complicated changes, we can probably approve them for operation at June meeting. Gene emphasizes that they are a draft and details can definitely be tweaked if they don’t seem right. We talked with Michael McPherson also about the value of having a board. He felt people are more responsible when there is a formal structure for decision making. A possible negative might be someone with control issues getting into a position of power. (draft bylaws contain term limits, so that is a safeguard).
Alice started a binder for current minutes, the by-laws(in progress) and project notes from our recent retreats. Ellen then shared that she has other binders and historic information. We may be able to get these things integrated somehow. VFP 111 has a long history, so becoming “official” with by-laws is a change in structure, but certainly we do not want to forget the history of the group. Within the group, there are probably some of us who are archivist types. Archivist activists. (That was not easy to spell this time of night, atr.)
Alice (Turtle!) invited everyone to come to her place for another of our “mini-retreat” planning sessions and socializing. We settled upon date of Sunday, July 16. She will send out more information in coming weeks, including any ideas others have for how to use our time together. Perhaps Rosalinda would be available to come brainstorm with us about Community to Community as a partner in increasing our membership and reach. She was going to come to our meeting a couple months ago and had to postpone. Joseph has visited me here several times, and highly recommends the meadow scenery, so I will be sure to get him invited for socializing in any case.
Neah gave us a report on the 7th pretrial hearing for the protesters charged for protesting against Trump when he came to Whatcom County last year. The next hearing is on Thurs May 25, 1:30 pm, on 4th floor of county courthouse. Supporters should wear blue.
Michael had an update of film festival, with venues of either the Firehouse in Fairhaven or BUF. The film committee is a group of two Michaels and whom else? Not sure, but anyone can consult with them, and notes about films can be found in our retreat notes. The film group recommends that the films be monthly, some regularly day and week and venue, over the academic year, so not beginning until fall. This excellent idea agreeable to all and there is enthusiasm for this project.
Lynn asked that we attend an event being put on by the 9-11 Truth group. This is a follow up on the event Stoney Bird discussed with us last month. Now instead of a panel discussion, they will be showing a film on the question of the 9-11 disaster, on Thurs June 29th, 6 pm. Didn’t catch where. Don’t have name of film either.
Larry talked about his two-sided signs that said “Save your flags, you’re going to need them..” “for body bags.” Also he stands with upside down, distressed, flag sometimes. He feels he is holding a place (a space?) for protest by doing these actions. He has been doing this for a long time.
Finally, Bill shared with everyone his medical news, which is not at all good, tho of course we want a miracle second opinion from some doc… Meanwhile Bill is in good spirits and determined to make the best of this situation, says he feels extremely alive right now. It went without saying that everyone here will be there for him going forward.
Next meeting Fri June 16, 6 pm
Veterans for Peace Chapter 111
Monthly meeting on Friday May 19, 2017 at Food Coop meeting room
Present: Michael Jacobsen, Kerry Johnson, Bill Distler, Stan Parker, Jim Kool, Gene Marx, Richard Brummet, Keith Fredrickson, Larry??, Neah Monteiro, Lynn Lohr, Ellen Murphy, Aneesa Ahad and Nusy, Alice Turtle Robb.
Guest: Michael McPhearson, Exec Director for National VFP office in St Louis
Agenda approved with additions. Aneesa facilitated and Alice took notes.
Announcements: Fellow of Reconcilation has annual Seabeck conference July 1-4. Keith is going.
Thurs May 25, 1:30 pm, on 4th floor County Courthouse – Next hearing for the protesters charged for protesting against Trump when he came to Whatcom County last year.
National VFP items, presented by Michael McPhearson
1) Potential for NW region vets to work with a project which would result from a woman in Long Beach WA wanting to give a property: Moby Dick Bed and Breakfast, to VFP for use for retreats or conferencing or vet agriculture perhaps. Michael is assembling team of VFP people from Pacific Northwest to explore the feasibility of accepting this gift. Invites members from our chapter to participate in that group.
2) The Golden Rule (boat) will be working on a Disarmament Campaign.
3) Also there is work underway for a Global Veterans’ Conference, which would be held at the UN, with focus on global climate change and disarming nuclear weapons
4) The national organization is involved in a membership campaign to recruit members. Also focusing on going out to meet people where they are and start conversations that will bring tensions to the surface for discussion (example Black Lives Matter). Scripts for this kind of outreach are being put together.
Aneesa asked about anti-war/peace education for children. Ellen remembered that in the past we sponsored an essay contest for high school kids with scholarship prizes (this was coordinated by late member Dr Bob Olsen). Can we communicate with other VFP chapters to see if others are working on this? Aneesa will write up this idea and send it on to the National VFP to see if others are interested.
Richard reported on this year’s visit to Danang and the Chocolate Festival. Local chocolate company Chocolate Necissities made an extra large candy bar (25lbs?) and Richard had to buy an ax to chop it. Over fifty children have been given scholarships from this program and five are supported by our chapter. There is a magazine for VVA with article about the project. Richard talked about visiting one of the first kids in the program who is now grown up and a teacher. Program started in 2010 in conjunction with organization Children of Vietnam
Financials are about $1200. Talked about and approved decision to send $100 to National VFP to support the action in WA DC at end of May. It is a series of event in Capitol to End the Endless Wars. Full info is now posted on our website as well as national VFP website. Gene is going. Bill had donations that were after costs for Mother’s Day March, which everyone felt was a success already, so money was a bonus. Bill thanked Neah for doing so much work to make it go well.
Draft by-laws presented. Thanks to Gene for patching them together from National VFP and other chapters. People can read and revise before next meeting. If there are no complicated changes, we can probably approve them for operation at June meeting. Gene emphasizes that they are a draft and details can definitely be tweaked if they don’t seem right. We talked with Michael McPherson also about the value of having a board. He felt people are more responsible when there is a formal structure for decision making. A possible negative might be someone with control issues getting into a position of power. (draft bylaws contain term limits, so that is a safeguard).
Alice started a binder for current minutes, the by-laws(in progress) and project notes from our recent retreats. Ellen then shared that she has other binders and historic information. We may be able to get these things integrated somehow. VFP 111 has a long history, so becoming “official” with by-laws is a change in structure, but certainly we do not want to forget the history of the group. Within the group, there are probably some of us who are archivist types. Archivist activists. (That was not easy to spell this time of night, atr.)
Alice (Turtle!) invited everyone to come to her place for another of our “mini-retreat” planning sessions and socializing. We settled upon date of Sunday, July 16. She will send out more information in coming weeks, including any ideas others have for how to use our time together. Perhaps Rosalinda would be available to come brainstorm with us about Community to Community as a partner in increasing our membership and reach. She was going to come to our meeting a couple months ago and had to postpone. Joseph has visited me here several times, and highly recommends the meadow scenery, so I will be sure to get him invited for socializing in any case.
Neah gave us a report on the 7th pretrial hearing for the protesters charged for protesting against Trump when he came to Whatcom County last year. The next hearing is on Thurs May 25, 1:30 pm, on 4th floor of county courthouse. Supporters should wear blue.
Michael had an update of film festival, with venues of either the Firehouse in Fairhaven or BUF. The film committee is a group of two Michaels and whom else? Not sure, but anyone can consult with them, and notes about films can be found in our retreat notes. The film group recommends that the films be monthly, some regularly day and week and venue, over the academic year, so not beginning until fall. This excellent idea agreeable to all and there is enthusiasm for this project.
Lynn asked that we attend an event being put on by the 9-11 Truth group. This is a follow up on the event Stoney Bird discussed with us last month. Now instead of a panel discussion, they will be showing a film on the question of the 9-11 disaster, on Thurs June 29th, 6 pm. Didn’t catch where. Don’t have name of film either.
Larry talked about his two-sided signs that said “Save your flags, you’re going to need them..” “for body bags.” Also he stands with upside down, distressed, flag sometimes. He feels he is holding a place (a space?) for protest by doing these actions. He has been doing this for a long time.
Finally, Bill shared with everyone his medical news, which is not at all good, tho of course we want a miracle second opinion from some doc… Meanwhile Bill is in good spirits and determined to make the best of this situation, says he feels extremely alive right now. It went without saying that everyone here will be there for him going forward.
Next meeting Fri June 16, 6 pm
Minutes from April 21, 2017 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Meeting called to order at 1810.
1810 Designated roles:
Facilitator and stack – Bill D
Notes – Alice R
Interesting meeting, as people seem to be feeling, and be also actively resisting feeling, despair about all this war and trump shit. And the environmental apocalypse, etc. Do we think beer picnics can save us?
Anyway, here are my notes on things we talked about or might have decided about, pretty much in order of the agenda.
Stoney’s item was added to the agenda. He was asking if VFP wants to participate (as sponsors or presenters) in a panel discussing whether there needs to be an independent investigation of 9-11. This event will be held sometime in June, place and speakers, and even official title not yet decided.
Discussion revealed strongly different ideas about this issue among us, which we communicated peacefully. Michael C talked about being “a Truther” himself but feels VFP as a group needs to guard our credibility in regard to this controversial subject (as all people are not as peaceful as we here) Wanting not to alienate mainstream folks or give fuel to conservatives in ways that will make it harder to get our main message out. And yet, we feel a need to speak our truths… there was agreement I think that 9-11 is a root problem, in that it provided the warmonger rationale to begin the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and thus caused much of current MidEast suffering. End of this discussion, the group felt not inclined now to sponsor or make any commitment about this upcoming event, as there is so much going on and we are spread rather thin in our energies, and not able to add to areas we are already focusing on. Some individuals intend to attend and perhaps to participate and we can all wear whatever shirts we want in that regard. Anyway, we thanked Stoney for asking us and informing us and giving us such a lively discussion. We suggested he keep us updated on details about the event and we will let him know if we develop any fresh energy to lend to it.
Follow up on MLK April 4 event. Successful evening, about 50 people, good energy. Young people and some diversity (for bham!) Collected about $250 and Bill thinks we should have passed the hat, would have gotten more. For a change Alice had some money and suggested we don’t forget to pass hat at tonight’s meeting, just to take that advice…
Follow up on Global Day action (this was the name of the tax day event? ) April 18, was good event, with new banner unveiled. We should put a photo in with our minutes!!
National Bird, film also played on April 18, and only four people stayed for discussion but “they more than stayed.” There was intensity and a feeling of “enoughness”, Bill said.
Discussion about long range planning meetings so far, trying to condense what we have come up with by working through details in enclosed reports from Kerry and Michael. Previously there is also a report from the first of the two “mini-retreat meetings” which contains similar discussions.
Summary points:
From these discussions, two items rose as next To-Do projects, with details now in process
1. Film showings, probably at Firehouse, perhaps in May, from lists in attached reports, and Michael C will buy the films as they are inexpensive now, to fit format at Firehouse or venue system. Both Michaels are working on this project.
2. Pinning down by-laws etc to have an operating board. Gene, Alice, (and perhaps Stan, someone said, at one of earlier meetings have volunteered to work on this… ) whoever is left off that short list should let Gene know as it will make him happy. A draft of the Chapter 111 Board of Directors bylaws will be provided at the May meeting.
Another short discussion at end of the meeting involved what kinds of new brochures can we acquire or design to use as educational or promotional hand-outs? Gene will get us some stuff from National VFP that we can use, at least as model to get ideas. Alice says we want to INVITE people to join us. We talked about how to find other vets who are not involved (including homeless vets) and also about recruiting more associate members. Everyone is veteran of something. Martina and Alice thought they could work together on upgrading our publicity materials. Related to that, in outreach mode, Michael C said he would check in with Vet center at WWU.
One idea from retreat that is still quite alive is the idea of some picnics ("keggers" or at least beer and a bonfire) in the county, and to that end, Alice will send out ideas for some possible dates in May & June and a draft invitation to her place. So much is happening that it seems hard to schedule the simplest things. Also, weather. But not whether, just when.
Meeting called to order at 1810.
1810 Designated roles:
Facilitator and stack – Bill D
Notes – Alice R
Interesting meeting, as people seem to be feeling, and be also actively resisting feeling, despair about all this war and trump shit. And the environmental apocalypse, etc. Do we think beer picnics can save us?
Anyway, here are my notes on things we talked about or might have decided about, pretty much in order of the agenda.
Stoney’s item was added to the agenda. He was asking if VFP wants to participate (as sponsors or presenters) in a panel discussing whether there needs to be an independent investigation of 9-11. This event will be held sometime in June, place and speakers, and even official title not yet decided.
Discussion revealed strongly different ideas about this issue among us, which we communicated peacefully. Michael C talked about being “a Truther” himself but feels VFP as a group needs to guard our credibility in regard to this controversial subject (as all people are not as peaceful as we here) Wanting not to alienate mainstream folks or give fuel to conservatives in ways that will make it harder to get our main message out. And yet, we feel a need to speak our truths… there was agreement I think that 9-11 is a root problem, in that it provided the warmonger rationale to begin the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and thus caused much of current MidEast suffering. End of this discussion, the group felt not inclined now to sponsor or make any commitment about this upcoming event, as there is so much going on and we are spread rather thin in our energies, and not able to add to areas we are already focusing on. Some individuals intend to attend and perhaps to participate and we can all wear whatever shirts we want in that regard. Anyway, we thanked Stoney for asking us and informing us and giving us such a lively discussion. We suggested he keep us updated on details about the event and we will let him know if we develop any fresh energy to lend to it.
- No news on Mel Goodman visit, and we assume this is on hold indefinitely, until we hear from Lenny.
- Bannering Wed 3-4 pm, across from Herald. Starting this week? Bill is doing it, also Kerry and others…
- Homeless in Bellingham Town Hall, at Leopold, Wed Apr 26 6 pm
- People’s Climate March, Sat April 29 Noon. Begins Marine Park, end Maritime Heritage Park
- Mother’s Day march VFP is a sponsor, Sat May 13
- Memorial Day, National VFP annual event in DC, Stop Endless War, Gene is going (letters to Wall need to be sent to Ed Rawlings, [email protected] before May 15.)
Follow up on MLK April 4 event. Successful evening, about 50 people, good energy. Young people and some diversity (for bham!) Collected about $250 and Bill thinks we should have passed the hat, would have gotten more. For a change Alice had some money and suggested we don’t forget to pass hat at tonight’s meeting, just to take that advice…
Follow up on Global Day action (this was the name of the tax day event? ) April 18, was good event, with new banner unveiled. We should put a photo in with our minutes!!
National Bird, film also played on April 18, and only four people stayed for discussion but “they more than stayed.” There was intensity and a feeling of “enoughness”, Bill said.
Discussion about long range planning meetings so far, trying to condense what we have come up with by working through details in enclosed reports from Kerry and Michael. Previously there is also a report from the first of the two “mini-retreat meetings” which contains similar discussions.
Summary points:
- There is an emphasis on educating people about costs of war, on all levels, with some passion about the ongoing war on Palestinians
- Strong need to boost visibility, grow membership, get energy for projects & dreams
- Agreement about need for a structure for board or core group to facilitate and organize decisions
From these discussions, two items rose as next To-Do projects, with details now in process
1. Film showings, probably at Firehouse, perhaps in May, from lists in attached reports, and Michael C will buy the films as they are inexpensive now, to fit format at Firehouse or venue system. Both Michaels are working on this project.
2. Pinning down by-laws etc to have an operating board. Gene, Alice, (and perhaps Stan, someone said, at one of earlier meetings have volunteered to work on this… ) whoever is left off that short list should let Gene know as it will make him happy. A draft of the Chapter 111 Board of Directors bylaws will be provided at the May meeting.
Another short discussion at end of the meeting involved what kinds of new brochures can we acquire or design to use as educational or promotional hand-outs? Gene will get us some stuff from National VFP that we can use, at least as model to get ideas. Alice says we want to INVITE people to join us. We talked about how to find other vets who are not involved (including homeless vets) and also about recruiting more associate members. Everyone is veteran of something. Martina and Alice thought they could work together on upgrading our publicity materials. Related to that, in outreach mode, Michael C said he would check in with Vet center at WWU.
One idea from retreat that is still quite alive is the idea of some picnics ("keggers" or at least beer and a bonfire) in the county, and to that end, Alice will send out ideas for some possible dates in May & June and a draft invitation to her place. So much is happening that it seems hard to schedule the simplest things. Also, weather. But not whether, just when.
Minutes from March 17, 2017 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Facilitating: Michael Jacobsen
Stacks: Jack Miller
Notes: Kerry Johnson
(Forgot to note who was in attendance.) Scott Thompson, and Lynn Rosenblum were in attendance as guests. We went around the room and introduced ourselves.
Michael J. volunteered to facilitate, and Jack and Kerry more or less volunteered to do their bits.
I think that the meeting was called to disorder around 6:10, but a few folks continued to trickle in after that.
(Thanks to Maymo/BillD for the great agenda sheet for the meeting, and for making copies for each person in attendance. Michael pretty much followed the agenda that was listed, so "note-taking" was made fairly easy.)
Michael J. said a few things, in summary, of the mini-retreat that some of us engaged in on March 12 (at Lynne Lohr's house). He sensed that the main thrust for most folks was in the area of "education". A few other participants chimed in with their sense of things; Michael C. said that he thought it was a good meeting. It was suggested that we could use more of these get-togethers, for long-range planning, as we pretty much just got started (keep going until we reach consensus, or we tire out?). Someone said that they thought that the Whatcom Peace & Justice Center could be used for such extra-curricular meetings, and this was being considered. Michael J. was going to think about when and where to call for another planning-session get-together. [We could also try to agree to some topics, ahead of time, for each meeting?]
Bill D. mentioned his desire to go around the county, door-to-door, and talk with individuals, to engage in exchanges of sense-of-things, and possibly "educate" on such things as military-spending data (in relation to the rest of the U.S. budget, and to the spending of other countries in the world). [I had the thought that he, and others who joined him, might be called "VFP Witnesses".]
Two other topics were mentioned as coming out of the retreat: the Israel-Palestine issue, and homelessness in Whatcom County.
Ellen mentioned that Hue Beattie is in Mount Baker Care Center (Address: 2905 Connelly Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone: (360) 734-4181), and that Larry Williams just underwent back surgery in Seattle.
Announcements. (1) Lenny said that the Mel Goodman presentation, tentatively for April, is still up in the air. (2) The Wednesday bannering, across the street from the Herald Building, might start up again at any time, but nothing definite. (Maybe when the weather turns a bit better, eh?) (3) The April 18th "Global Day of Action" (with a focus on military spending) was mentioned [but I failed to gather anything definite in response to its mention]. (4) On April 29, there is a "Peoples Climate March" in Bellingham; gather at noon, in Marine Park, in Fairhaven (and then march to Maritime Heritage Park). (5) On April 4th, there will be a presentation of MLK's "Beyond Vietnam" speech, at the YWCA, from 6:00-8:30. (6) Bill mentioned that Andrew Bacevich had an opinion printed in the March 13 issue of the New York Times: "Perpetual War in Afghanistan". (7) Bill also noted that both of our local federal (mis-)Representatives voted for the bloated $578 billion for on-the-books military spending. (He also suggested that folks call them up and tell the Reps how wrong this is.)
There was a financial report, which everyone seemed to feel okay about. Jack's hat was passed around the table, and a couple of "punt" were collected (since it was Saint Patrick's Day).
Michael J. reported briefly on the FCNL lobbying effort, in conjunction with the VFP, of Senator Murray's aide.
WA Physicians for Social Responsibility, along with the VFP, sent a letter to Senator Murray.
On May 30th, there's a "Peace Bonus" action in Washington D.C.
The meeting came to a close around 7:15 (I think), and then Scott and Lynn presented a very short video about the events of September 11, 2001 ("building seven"). They said that there was a local group starting up of relating to "911 Truth", and wanted folks to know about it. There was more discussion about this matter.
I, Kerry, left about 7:30, to connect with another engagement.
(Sorry for the poor quality of notes -- I'm no Aneesa. There may well be some need for "corrections" or "amendments".)
Minutes from February 17, 2017 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
Meeting called to order at 1804.
1805 Designated roles
Facilitator – Gene M
Stack – Michael J
Notes – Aneesa A
Agenda add on items suggested: Beyond Vietnam 50th Anniversary (Lynne L), Elliott Adams (Martina B), Mother’s Day for Peace (Scott T)
1809 January Minutes approved.
Financial (Bill D) - $1411.55 in bank
1813 Fast review of Robert’s Rules, roles confirmed, reviewed handouts and agendas and tabled items
Memorial for George Jartos will be March 4th at Wild Buffalo Club 2-4:30, Judith L wants information on website for event (Gene M reports the memorial event is posted on the website and FB).
Mel Goodman speaking event – tabled
1817 Tuesday April 18th, Global Day of Action, contact Neah M at WPJC for details, tabled for March meeting
Richard B will return to Vietnam to visit children March 3 – April 4.
1820 Visitor – Scott T (Green Party of Whatcom County) solicited support for Mother’s Day for Peace March, motion made and approved to sponsor and support, details to be worked out later (see flyer).
1829 Announcements by Michael J:
BHRFF recommended Chau* (flyer), Requiem*, Occupation of American Mind, National Bird* as very relevant to VFP, (tabling at * events), see BHRFF website for times
VFP Ch35 Conference in Spokane
VFP National Convention in Chicago, August 9-13
Announcements by Michael C:
Handed out Resist bumper stickers
Need new banners, willing to make them
Bill D, Aneesa A, Michael C interested in planning new banners – sign-up sheet passed around
1829 Wednesday bannering 3-4 in front of Herald Building, Martina B is interested, sign-up sheet passed around
WPJC is having a clean-up on 2/25, we may have banners with them or they may have banners that we can take.
Richard B designs banners and offered his services.
1833 Discussion tabled for later in same meeting, need to include focused actions, may be included in MJ topics, Lynne L and Aneesa A have input as well.
Gene M explained Non-Profit volunteer needs for chapter.
Alice/Turtle R volunteered to file form for NP status, simple $10 renewal for 501C3 status; no objections.
Michael J will e-file 990N each year for tax season; no objections.
1839 Michael J volunteered to be 3rd signatory on checking account.
We approve having Michael Jacobsen as a new and 3rd signatory on the VFP Ch111 account. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved during February 17, 2017 meeting.
1841 Discussion regarding a steering committee or board of directors, Gene M moved to discuss and plan a steering committee in future conversations. Michael C seconded plans for developing a steering committee, passed with one objection. Objection (Lynne L) regarding developing a steering committee, it may impact the democratic nature of the group and provide more power or influence to some.
1850 Physicians for Social Responsibility working to have Larsen commit to not supporting nuclear arms, Larsen remains non-committal. Motion made to host an event for showing PSR presentation, seconded and approved.
1855 Michael J described retreat as a way to discuss what our goal/effort is, wants to find individual passions, Long Range Planning handout, will need a longer meeting (3 hours). Lynne L offered to host; motion made, approved for Lynne L and Michael J to discuss details before next meeting.
1859 Beyond Vietnam speech by MLK Jr, 50th anniversary is 4/4/2017. Ellen M (absent, relayed by Lynne L) proposed a film/audio event and discussion. Bill D, Ellen M, and Lynne L will organize event. Bill D will provide printouts to follow along. Motion made and approved for B, L, and E to implement and plan, with a financial cap at $500. Permission granted to enlist participation of 2nd and 3rd parties.
1916 Martina B reported Elliott Adams needs to postpone planning Bellingham MetaPeace event indefinitely.
1920 Martina B passed blue flyer for training (details not available in minutes, Aneesa A had to step out for a moment).
1925 Motion to adjourn, no objections.
Adjourned at 1925.
Recorded by Aneesa Ahad
Meeting called to order at 1804.
1805 Designated roles
Facilitator – Gene M
Stack – Michael J
Notes – Aneesa A
Agenda add on items suggested: Beyond Vietnam 50th Anniversary (Lynne L), Elliott Adams (Martina B), Mother’s Day for Peace (Scott T)
1809 January Minutes approved.
Financial (Bill D) - $1411.55 in bank
1813 Fast review of Robert’s Rules, roles confirmed, reviewed handouts and agendas and tabled items
Memorial for George Jartos will be March 4th at Wild Buffalo Club 2-4:30, Judith L wants information on website for event (Gene M reports the memorial event is posted on the website and FB).
Mel Goodman speaking event – tabled
1817 Tuesday April 18th, Global Day of Action, contact Neah M at WPJC for details, tabled for March meeting
Richard B will return to Vietnam to visit children March 3 – April 4.
1820 Visitor – Scott T (Green Party of Whatcom County) solicited support for Mother’s Day for Peace March, motion made and approved to sponsor and support, details to be worked out later (see flyer).
1829 Announcements by Michael J:
BHRFF recommended Chau* (flyer), Requiem*, Occupation of American Mind, National Bird* as very relevant to VFP, (tabling at * events), see BHRFF website for times
VFP Ch35 Conference in Spokane
VFP National Convention in Chicago, August 9-13
Announcements by Michael C:
Handed out Resist bumper stickers
Need new banners, willing to make them
Bill D, Aneesa A, Michael C interested in planning new banners – sign-up sheet passed around
1829 Wednesday bannering 3-4 in front of Herald Building, Martina B is interested, sign-up sheet passed around
WPJC is having a clean-up on 2/25, we may have banners with them or they may have banners that we can take.
Richard B designs banners and offered his services.
1833 Discussion tabled for later in same meeting, need to include focused actions, may be included in MJ topics, Lynne L and Aneesa A have input as well.
Gene M explained Non-Profit volunteer needs for chapter.
Alice/Turtle R volunteered to file form for NP status, simple $10 renewal for 501C3 status; no objections.
Michael J will e-file 990N each year for tax season; no objections.
1839 Michael J volunteered to be 3rd signatory on checking account.
We approve having Michael Jacobsen as a new and 3rd signatory on the VFP Ch111 account. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved during February 17, 2017 meeting.
1841 Discussion regarding a steering committee or board of directors, Gene M moved to discuss and plan a steering committee in future conversations. Michael C seconded plans for developing a steering committee, passed with one objection. Objection (Lynne L) regarding developing a steering committee, it may impact the democratic nature of the group and provide more power or influence to some.
1850 Physicians for Social Responsibility working to have Larsen commit to not supporting nuclear arms, Larsen remains non-committal. Motion made to host an event for showing PSR presentation, seconded and approved.
1855 Michael J described retreat as a way to discuss what our goal/effort is, wants to find individual passions, Long Range Planning handout, will need a longer meeting (3 hours). Lynne L offered to host; motion made, approved for Lynne L and Michael J to discuss details before next meeting.
1859 Beyond Vietnam speech by MLK Jr, 50th anniversary is 4/4/2017. Ellen M (absent, relayed by Lynne L) proposed a film/audio event and discussion. Bill D, Ellen M, and Lynne L will organize event. Bill D will provide printouts to follow along. Motion made and approved for B, L, and E to implement and plan, with a financial cap at $500. Permission granted to enlist participation of 2nd and 3rd parties.
1916 Martina B reported Elliott Adams needs to postpone planning Bellingham MetaPeace event indefinitely.
1920 Martina B passed blue flyer for training (details not available in minutes, Aneesa A had to step out for a moment).
1925 Motion to adjourn, no objections.
Adjourned at 1925.
Recorded by Aneesa Ahad
Minutes from December 16, 2016 VFP Chapter 111 Meeting
1805 – Name introductions around the table
1810 – Review of “Robert’s Rules” as reminder of meeting protocol to facilitate participation and communication
For this meeting: Stack - Ellen, Facilitator - Gene, Minutes – Aneesa
1810 – Meeting called to order, agenda reviewed
Items added: Diversity/Outreach, Mel Goodman, Eliot Adams, officer selection
Items tabled: How many wars are we in now, updates on democracy building projects, long range plans for positive change, officer selection
Motion to approve agenda by Gene, second by Lynne/Lenny, approved
1817 – Reviewed financial
$1554.55 in account, additional $125 deposit pending
Passed the hat for collections
Bill made motion that all funds first be deposited and then dispersed by check to assure accurate record keeping, second by Lynne, approved
1820 - Announcements
Sculpture NW – Art Beyond Conflict
Soliciting sculpture from North Africa to Middle East (especially Islamic Art)
Intent made to discuss more in April, donations encouraged
Website SNW.com
Hugh indicated John Glen memorial airing on December 17
Ellen shared a thank you (Pilamaya – in Lakota) to Stan, Bill, and Herb for arranging caravan to get supplies to Standing Rock.
1825 - BUF event needs to go on social media (Gene – POC)
1827 - Gene"s “15 Minutes”
Reviewed VFP election results, details available online
Special note made of Article XV funding acceptance rules
Nonprofit volunteer needs discussed for chapter duties, third signatory needed for checking account
Tabled for future meeting to discuss nonprofit officer requirements for state of Washington
Lenny made a motion to donate $100 for HRFF, 2nd by Lynne, approved
There is an opportunity to table during HRFF (Feb 17), Gene made a motion to donate $100 for HRTF/MLK Conference, 2nd by Lynne, approved
Updated website domain renewal – done by Gene (no reimbursement needed)
FCNL – Advocacy Team (Gene, Lynne) meet on issue during recess with legislatures, come up with an “ask” in formal terms, ask for a direct yes or no
Past issues include Justice Reform (Prisons), repeal authority for military force (this issue is ongoing)
1841 - 3PM Herald Bannering every Wednesday, coordinated by Billy and Michael Colvert
1843 - Standing Rock – Bill and Stan described it as the best thing that they have ever done, special note that Stan built stoves
Karl Meyer pointed out that the military apology was the first time in history that the US Military came to help
1847 - Bill was on the Joe Show (12/15) For more information go to Standing Rock Sioux to see what is happening
1850 - Herb (a two time visitor to Standing Rock) described that he was an atheist when he went the first time, but he was not anymore “It was a very emotional spiritual experience.”
Michael C asked about where we can donate food – bags of rice, etc
Noted by Bill – money is the best donation, there is enough food supply but the need is for coordination, distribution, and funding
LakotaLaw.org – petition on blog, site recommended by Ellen
1900 - Motion made to have outreach potluck for next meeting (January 20, 2017) by Aneesa, second by Lynne, approved
Format is casual bring what you want and bring a friend (veteran or non-veteran)
Purpose is to get the word out about VFP, drum up some interest, gain an opportunity to visit with each other -especially seeking Gulf War era
vet and more youth (Lenny), need new members and associate members (Stan)
Reviewed distinction between members and associate members, in Chapter 111 members and associate members are afforded same status, nationally associate members cannot vote
Gene re-proposed that the February meeting be dedicated to creating a board of directors, and selecting officers
1910 - Mel Goodman will be here in April, date is open – discussion tabled for February meeting
1912 - Elliot Adams has a new Culture of Peace Training – MetaPeace, NonViolent Intervention, will be in the west coast in February, trying to arrange for him to come to Bellingham
1915 - Other Items – Mark brought attention to actions in Yemen
Recorded by Aneesa Ahad