OK, in just 24 days the US electorate will decide who will be the next suitable figurehead for a cadre of power brokers that have been manipulating government policy and politicians since long before 9/11. Soon, no more ads, no more inane rhetoric, with millions of Blue and Red team faithful casting votes as if their ballots were relevant outside of swing states.
While the GOP, even independents, close ranks behind Trump, campaign polls still teem with terrified Democrats hoping to stop the Orange Man, if it takes a Cheney family endorsement to do it.
Even with the timely demise and incongruity of the "lesser of two evils argument" and Jill Stein gaining ground in Michigan and Wisconsin, voters are still told the Harris/Walz ticket will not only save what's left of our democracy but will be 'better' for Muslims. Journalist and geopolitical analyst Sami Hamdi, provides a devastating counter to The Thinking Muslim's Muhammad Jalal for those who would still dismiss a third party vote while the US/Israeli bipartisan slaughter continues unrestrained in Palestine.