After more than a decade of military occupation, imposition of civil war and deadly economic sanctions by U.S. imperialism and its regional allies, the legitimate government of Syria was finally brought to its knees and a rebranded group of terrorists occupied Damascus and implemented imperialism’s long-term plan for regime change in Syria; an act which could not have been possible without direct military assistance of the U.S. and Israel and support from Türkiye and the reactionary regimes of the region.
The rapid collapse of the Syrian government has led many who do not have a proper understanding of imperialism’s objectives and the historical global trends — and who base their assessments and analyses only on momentary and transient events — to blame Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian government for the present defeat. Some, in line with the imperialist network CNN, even go so far as referring to the difficult situation of the Syrian people, including the economic crisis and high poverty rates in recent years, as a “people’s revolution” against an “incompetent dictatorship.”
But the reality is that this was neither a “people’s revolution” nor the result of the “dictatorship” and “incompetency” of Bashar al-Assad’s government.
Regime change, not popular revolution
First, no “popular revolution” is launched militarily and with the help of imperialism from outside the borders of a country. Calling this event a “revolution” can only mean endorsing imperialism’s policy of regime change in Syria and considering the terrorists trained and armed by the U.S. and Israel as “the people.”
This is nothing less than distorting the objective facts, calling an imperialist “counter-revolution” a “popular revolution” and thereby throwing dust in the eyes of the people in accordance with imperialist propaganda.
The same plot was carried out once before in 2011 and the Syrian people, despite all the difficulties caused by the imposed situation, stood by their government and army for 14 years. Their stunned silence today cannot, and should not, be taken as their endorsement of this counter-revolution.
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